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International thriller book giveaway

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you'll have noticed that myself and a few other authors have been yelling from the tops of our lungs about an international giveaway that we've teamed up for.

Thriller giveaway poster of the covers of all ten participating thriller books

Throughout the month of May, myself and 9 other authors are taking part in a giveaway where one lucky winner will receive 10 paperback books within the thriller and horror genre.

Yes, you heard me, 10 paperbacks!

These include:

  1. Birds of a Feather, Danielle Morris

  2. The Woman I befriended, Sara Kate

  3. If They Knew, Arti Manani

  4. The Gala, Amy Tackett

  5. Hopper's Dell, T.C. Pendragon

  6. Echoes of the Forgotten, Michael Nunn

  7. Devils That Prey, David Washburn

  8. Left for Dead, Jay Darkmoore

  9. All Alone, Mark J Edmondson

  10. From the Deep, Kateri Stanley

How to enter

The giveaway is running across various social media platforms. Find me on Instagram for entry details and to see how you can receive multiple entrees and increase your chance of winning!

A runner up prize will be sent to ALL who dare to enter so it's a win win!

Good luck!

To stay up to date with my book launches, giveaways and more, follow me on Instagram or sign up to receive my newsletter via the links at the bottom of this page.


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