When an author’s heart bleeds onto the page, the connection with their audience is undeniable. In my novels, I draw inspiration from my own thoughts and experiences, shaping stories that are not just fiction, but extensions of myself, but it's not just me.
In 2024, I had the privilege of interviewing several talented indie authors from the thriller and horror genres.
What struck me most was a recurring theme among them: despite their diverse stories and unique writing styles, each author revealed that their work was deeply rooted in their personal experiences and emotions. This shared truth further cemented my belief that there is always a part of the author in every book they write.
Jay Darkmoore, shared, “I first started writing seriously when I met a man who upset me so much, I wrote a murder mystery about his demise.”
For Darkmoore, writing was not just an outlet—it was a way to channel his emotions into stories that resonate with his readers. He added, “The more of me that bleeds into the story, the more people enjoy it.”
It’s clear that his personal experiences infuse his writing with authenticity and raw emotion.
Similarly, R.W. Harrison's writing journey was sparked by a deeply personal, supernatural experience.
“My first book, The Onyx Seed, was loosely inspired by a series of poltergeist experiences I had over thirty years ago,” Harrison recalled. The supernatural events he encountered laid the foundation for a novel that blends horror with personal history, showcasing the power of real-life experiences to shape fictional narratives.
Sara Kate, too, draws inspiration from real people and experiences.
“I have taken inspiration from people I’ve met in the past. I include elements of their personalities in my characters,” she shared.
By weaving real people into her fictional world, Kate’s characters gain depth and believability, making her stories both familiar and haunting.
For Michael Nunn, the exploration of difficult emotional themes is central to his writing. “I try and draw emotional themes from my own experiences. I am interested in exploring broken people and, if it’s possible, to put them together again,” he shared.
His novel, Echoes of the Forgotten, explores heavy topics like depression, suicide, grief, and loss—issues Nunn has deeply contemplated in his own life. His vulnerability in writing these themes allowed for a profound connection with his readers, especially when one colleague, familiar with suicidal depression, praised the authenticity of his portrayal.
“It wasn’t until a colleague with a history of suicidal depression read it... that I felt I'd done justice to that element of the story,” Nunn said.
J.R. Vieira's inspiration, too, comes from a moment of personal loss. She recalled a dream about a passed family member, which inspired her creative process.
“I remembered a dream I had about my family member the day after they passed... What if your mind could create another world when you go to sleep? A haven to protect you from the pain where your loved one never leaves.”
Vieira’s story grew from a deeply personal moment of loss, transforming an intimate memory into a fictional world that explores the boundaries between life, death, and memory.
Amy Tackett’s dark themes also stem from her personal struggles.
“I don't know why, but I'm drawn to dark things.
Dark places, dark mindsets, dark Biblical themes. It probably has something to do with my own mental illnesses and wanting to understand them—or rather, wanting to understand why bad things happen.”
Tackett’s exploration of evil and suffering is a quest for understanding, and her books reflect that search for meaning in a world often filled with shadows.
David Washburn’s anxiety also drives much of his creative process.
“Anxiety, I think, drives a lot of my creativity... my brain will always anticipate danger, even if there is none.”
This heightened sense of danger permeates Washburn’s writing, creating stories that are both suspenseful and reflective of his own mental landscape.
Finally, MK Schultz’s debut novel emerged from a period of personal turmoil.
“My debut novel was a result of me trying to figure out my life during a strange and difficult period.”
Schultz’s book was a form of self-discovery, with the narrative acting as a mirror to his own struggles.
What ties all of these authors together is the fact that their writing is not just about creating worlds or telling stories—it’s a personal exploration. Every emotion, every experience, no matter how dark or difficult, is channeled into their work.
And perhaps that is why their stories resonate so deeply with readers.
After all, there is always an author in every book we write. And that is what makes the world of thriller and horror writing so compelling—the raw, real emotions that underpin the fiction.
To discover more about these authors and to read their full interviews, click here.
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